Global DiagnostiX
An all-in-one system to make digital radiology available worldwide
Too often in developing countries, patients die of trivial problems, which, due to a lack of access to diagnosis, take dramatic proportions. Road accidents, tuberculosis, and complications from childhood pneumonia are the most recurrent examples of pathologies causing complications that could have been prevented with functional and efficient x-ray imaging services.
The lack of access to these tools by developing countries is due to the mismatch between existing technologies and the local context, to the high cost of equipment that contributes to the increase in the costs of healthcare, but also to the lack of available human resources qualified to handle them.
This lack of appropriate equipment prevents preparedness against the virus and hampers the enforcement of infection prevention and control guidelines. The lack of standardized material and procedures also increases the risk of improper handling and of self-contamination for health care workers.
2/3 of the world's population has no access to diagnostic imaging
The Project
The goal of the GlobalDiagnostiX project is to develop, in partnership with local actors, a digital, ultra-robust, and affordable medical x-ray equipment adapted to the needs and constraints of low and middle-income countries. The context of countries in the global South is such that the system must be extremely robust, in particular it has to withstand heat, humidity, dusty environments. The GlobalDiagnostiX solution shall also withstand power outages and strong fluctuations of the electrical network which are causing up to 1/3 of failures of electrical medical systems. Considering the lack of trained professionals in these countries, the system must be easy and safe to operate and require minimum maintenance. Additional teleradiology services will allow hospitals that do not have radiologists to send X-ray images specialized centers and remote experts that can quickly deliver a remote diagnosis.
Finally and very importantly, the system must be affordable i.e. the total cost of ownership (including purchase, operating, maintenance and repair costs over the whole product lifecycle) has to be radically reduced compared to existing solutions.
For this it is necessary to innovate, not only in technology but also in the methodology, using collaborative projects that build on realities on the ground and that are economically viable. This is a unique project and, if successful, will blaze the trail for a whole new approach to the design of medical devices.
Key Accomplishments
Public presentation of Global DiagnostiX 2.0 and record fundraising of 14 million CHF:
Incorporation of Pristem SA, the spinoff company of GlobalDiagnostiX
Presentation of GlobalDiagnostiX 1.0
Beginning of the project
Mario Chavarria
Project Manager
Global DiagnostiX
Global Diagnostix 2.0
EPFL Laboratories
Prof. Jean-Phillppe Thiran
Prof. Mario Paolone
Prof. Yusuf Leblebici
Prof. Jürg Schiffmann
Prof. Hannes Bleuler