Global Neonat

Global Neonat

Global NeonatA robust incubator for newborns Glass bottles filled with hot water are used to keep the inside of the incubators warm during blackouts. ContextAbout three million children die within one month of life each year in the world. 99% of these deaths occur in...
Okalihera- Emergency Transport

Okalihera- Emergency Transport

OkaliheraEmergency transport social business in rural Mozambique A Oka-Taxi driver in Chiure district, Mozambique ©Sonil Joanguete ContextThere is hardly any motorised transport for medical emergencies in northern Mozambique. This can become a deadly risk for mother...
Global O2

Global O2

Global O2An oxygen concentrator to fight child mortality ContextHospitals and clinics in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) suffer from chronic shortages of medical oxygen, with dire clinical consequences for critical care, surgery, and treatment of infectious...


H2OspitalA safe water treatment solution for district hospitals Lack of water in a district hospital in Cameroon ©Sylvain Liechti ContextMore than one in every six people in the world is water stressed, meaning that they do not have access to drinking water. Most of...


TropicalisationProtection of medical devices against harsh environments Control units do not survive humidity and dust attacking ©Sylvain Liechti ContextMedical devices are generally designed for industrialized countries hospitals, in which the environment is...