Harnessing science and technology to drive sustainable development, support humanitarian action and foster peace

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Yves Daccord joins EPFL EssentialTech Centre

EPFL’s EssentialTech Centre has reinforced its team with an internationally recognized leader in humanitarianism, development and peace.

On International Day of Epidemic Preparedness, we ask… just what does it take to prepare for an epidemic?

By Dr. Michel Rochat, SmartPPE Project Manager  On #EpidemicPreparednessDay, I’d like to share a little about what we do to help prepare for epidemics. Scientists, medical professionals and public health authorities don't have crystal balls and they don't have...

Equal Access to Dialysis: Innovation announced at nephrology conferences on two continents

Just one or two sessions of dialysis is often all it takes to save the life of someone suffering from acute kidney injury. Yet a 2016 review study published in the Lancet Global Health estimated that in sub-Saharan Africa, 86% of adults and 73% of children die when in need of short-term dialysis, due to lack of access.

New Alliance to Innovate Solutions for Equal Access to Lifesaving Dialysis Therapy

Just one or two sessions of dialysis is often all it takes to save the life of someone suffering from acute kidney injury. Yet a 2016 review study published in the Lancet Global Health estimated that in sub-Saharan Africa, 86% of adults and 73% of children die when in need of short-term dialysis, due to lack of access.

Reflections on World Peace Day: PeaceTech’s role among solutions

I have one of those titles – Head of the PeaceTech division – that leads to the interesting question, “Uh, what’s that?” What better time than on the occasion of UN International Day of Peace, September 21, to answer this?

EPFL’s role in humanitarian aid: an interview with EPFL President Prof.Martin Vetterli

We spoke with EPFL President Martin Vetterli about the new Engineering Humanitarian Aid initiative – a joint program bringing together EPFL, ETH Zurich and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to put engineering know-how at the service of humanitarian aid.

EPFL, ETH Zurich and the ICRC leverage science and technology to address Humanitarian Challenges

Following the official launch of the Engineering Humanitarian Aid partnership, EPFL’s Humanitarian Tech Hub is proud to announce that six research projects have been awarded, including two that will be implemented by EPFL research teams and 2 in collaboration with ETH Zurich.

Webinar at Convention on Cluster Munitions

How Science and Technology contribute to sustainable development, humanitarian action and peace promotion. Speakers : Dr. Klaus Schonenberger Gregory Huot Dr Solomzi Makohliso  Dr Mariazel Maqueda-Lopez Dr Gregoire Castella  

Brochure 2020

EssentialTech Centre releases their latest brochure. Check it out!


EPFL at 2RC Teaming up with the Convention on Cluster Munitions‘ 10 year anniversary conference, we’re proud to present the work that EPFL has been doing to bring positive change through science and technology in low-resource and conflict-affected settings. Read...

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Contact: essentialtech [at] epfl.ch

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